Signed Copies of My Book

Offering signed copies of my book at a reduced price of $9.99 USD ~ Click below on the Picture to purchase via Credit Card/Paypal or other options, supply your info & shipping details and I’ll get this book out to you promptly! @Screenscapes is offering up a FREE Variety DVD (just pay shipping) with the purchase of my book! You can visit his Amazing Work at:
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Author Interview with Jessica Kristie

I’m excited to introduce to you another wonderful writer I met online, Jessica Kristie, not just a writer, but an amazing friend who is there for her friends like family with helpful advice and support for other writers/artists/ and musicians. Her poetry really speaks volumes to me so getting the chance to interview her and her upcoming book “Dreaming in Darkness” was a wonderful experience to find out more about it.

Here is our interview:

~ Hey Jess, I’m excited to finally get a better opportunity to converse with you about your incredible writing talents, and your book!
One of the things I’ve been wondering is, when did you realize your passion for writing, I mean more that kind of TRUE realization?

Jess: Thank you sweetie! you are way too kind. ♥♥
Great question! I realized more of a need than a passion at first. That need hit early as a child and I found out that writing really helped with healing my emotions and moving on from things quicker. The passion probably hit in Junior high/high school with love and romance entered my world. It was a great way to get excited about writing out my emotions and a then having it be a beautiful expression and relief at the same time.

~  I love your writing and understand that need placement, being a writer myself. How long have you been writing your book: Dreaming In Darkness? Has the work been collected over a number of years?

Jess: Actually yes, there are some pieces that are from several years ago and maybe one or two from 5 or more years ago. I have had a big surge in writing over the last two years. It comes more from my ability to focus on my writing lately, and not get so caught up in everything else in my world. 🙂 So technically it is years worth of writing. My second book will be more recent pieces and an evolution in my skill and technique.

~One of the things that I really enjoy even on your blog, is this projection of emotion in your writing; blunt and true positions in life when things are not so easy; things that most everyone can relate to or get something from, so in my personal opinion I feel they will be reading an absolutely rewarding anthology coming from you. What would you really like your readers to get from it?

Jess: Thank you! I appreciate that.
I really just hope that each person who reads Dreaming in Darkness can walk away with AT LEAST one piece that they can identify and connect with. That they can find words within my pages that speak to them in a way that helps them realize they are not alone in any emotion they may feel. I write to remind myself that and to remind everyone else… we are NOT alone. ♥

~I smile as I read your title to your book: Dreaming in Darkness because when I write even there’s a contrasting symbolism to life that I feel, I felt that immediately seeing the title. How would you describe coming up with yours? 🙂

Jess: You are right, life is full of contrasts… good and bad. My writing can be dark but there is so often hope weaved throughout. I try to encourage strength and the ability to always find a way to rise above. I wanted to find a title that encompassed the somber feel of the words inside, but also portrayed a bit of light. Dreaming is often whimsical and gives us a certain amount of control if we can capture that. Inside my darkness I always try to find time to dream… even if it is just dreaming of a way to turn the light on. 🙂 When I put Dreaming in Darkness together, it seemed like the perfect fit for the book. The picture I chose also needed to relay all those feelings and I think it also captures the hopeful somberness of the words inside.

~ Something in me told me I’d sort of know your reply to that question! Beautiful as you are, and so very fitting a title.
~ I sense this incredible personality in you too that has me asking, what are the next steps that you anticipate for this work? I know I’ve seen the fabulous trailer and a few other things passed along, where can your readers find you in the coming future and where can they obtain this book?

Jess: Lol, well I guess that means you know me well! ♥♥ xoxox
For this book in-particular I just want it to be read and enjoyed. I have a second book I hope to get out soon as well as working on my first novel. My readers can always find me on my blog, Twitter or Facebook where I will keep them up to date with my whereabouts and upcoming projects. I do have lots of fun things in the pipeline. My blog is my main source of news release. Under the “Press” section you can see a list of some of the places I have been seen so far. I will continue to keep that list updated.

Dreaming in Darkness will be available on Amazon and Fictionwise (a subsidiary of Barnes & Noble) on ebook and then on paperback a few months after the ebook release.
Check out the Trailer Here:
Twitter: @JessKristie

Again a huge thank you to Jess for this interview, definitely looking forward to checking out this book!
Dreaming in Darkness will be available in a few short weeks, I will update this blog post as soon as it becomes available to me! STAY TUNED! ~ I’ve also added her link to my aStore where I’ve collected some amazing authors/friends under KINDLE Products & eBooks:

LATEST UPDATE!! ~ April 2, 2011 ~ Via Jessica Kristie ~>  Read my blog post here.
Purchase on Amazon and Amazon UK

Don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon!

Have you interviewed or featured Jessica Kristie on your blog or website? If so I’d love for you to post your name and direct link to the article or feature. Please keep these only to related posts inclusive of Jessica’s work and author information. Thanks so much! Add yours via Mr Linky Below! (Also special for Jess ONLY ~ add in your promotional linking content as well, these are the areas to which help assist you in your writing, I’d like them here also – yes that includes your items from products!)

Interview Links Participants

1. April

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

Posted in Author Friends, books, interviews, writing | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Author Interview with Donna Cavanagh

So here it is, the first of my interviews with some fantastic writers/authors/ and poets I’ve had the pleasure to meet online!

~I’m excited to introduce you to one of my favorites that I actually encountered on Associated Content, and soon discovered in her, a fantastic friend with uplifting verses and absolutely hysterical humor articles: Donna Cavanagh ~ ( @dtcav on Twitter )

~ For starters Donna, I have to say, I really do love your writing skills, both in poetic form as well as humor, of your books, which one do you feel the best in? How did you decide to go ahead and publish?
Donna: Thank you April! To be honest, I am so comfortable in humor. I feel like it’s home. The poetry was started for a friend, but it’s not my comfort zone. I just love to make people smile a bit. I published because people kept prodding me to do so, and it seemed like an exciting challenge.
~  It’s funny you say that, because I find that poetry writing skill really quite rewarding. Honestly I could use sometimes those positive direct poems that are so straight-forward.
I love the humor, you are fantastic at it! When you write some of this stuff, are they true to actual feelings of certain issues, or the whole just being silly notion?
Donna: The humor columns are mostly all true. They are experiences I truly had. Sure, there might be exaggeration but mostly they are true. My newest book is totally not true. And by the way, If I had your gift for poetry, I would go to the poetry too.
~  LOL, you certainly make me chuckle, that’s one of the things that drew me to your work immediately, just not afraid to speak your mind no matter what anyone else may think!
What are some of your up and coming plans with your latest book, anything set yet? Where can we obtain copies?
Donna: Thanks again, April. Sometimes I love the shock factor even when some people yell at me! My latest book Reality: Fantasy’s Evil Twin is on in paperback and kindle. It is a different work in that it is written in the second person. “You” are the main character. It is an exaggerated look at relationships and family – how we imagine them to be and how they really are. I am going to do a few book signings and maybe a radio appearance as well. Just trying to get it out there like all writers. HA HA
~  Love it, that sounds fantastic, and really even with the humor in mind I think it also speaks for the fact that as young women, and even sometimes men have these “fairy tale” romances in mind etc. but life…well…anyway this is a great depiction, and I’m sure your readers will truly enjoy and get an honest to goodness laugh. When did you begin this love for the writing itself, because I’m sure this one won’t be the last either?
Donna: I always loved to write. I used to write plays in grammar school and parodies in high school and college. Is there more coming? Yes, I hope so. I am working on a screenplay with another writer and writing the text for a new comic book. I also have a traditional novel in the works and another humor column book almost ready to go. I hate being idle. Can you tell?
~  This sounds wonderful Donna, and other areas altogether different to work from. I think it is great you’re not “idle” because it gives those fans something else to look for through your work! 😉 Yes I could tell, lol, glad to finally catch up to you!
What is it you’d like your readers to really get from the work you do, besides the obvious laughter, because generally when I read your writing, I also see that positivity in it that you carry through in your poetry?
Donna: I think the poetry is about optimism. I think optimism is a good thing and is highly underrated. With my humor, I hope I can get people to relate. Even in the craziest situations, I want people to say, “Yes, that would happen to me” or “I can see that happening.” I want people to feel empathy, compassion and maybe love. I hope that comes through in my family oriented pieces especially.
~  I definitely see that in your work, and I hope others do too! Well I certainly hope they take the time to review your work more, it’s definitely worth it! Thanks so much for taking time here with me too!
Donna: Thank you April for taking the time to highlight my work. I do appreciate it. I look forward to catching up with you and your work as well.
~ Absolutely!!
Have you interviewed or featured Donna Cavanagh on your blog or website? If so I’d love for you to post your name and direct link to the article or feature. Please keep these only to related posts inclusive of Donna’s work and author information. Thanks so much! Add yours via Mr Linky Below! (Also special for Donna ONLY ~ add in your promotional linking content as well, these are the areas to which help assist you in your writing, I’d like them here also – yes that includes your items from products!)

Interview Links 2 Participants

1. April

Powered by… Mister Linky’s Magical Widgets.

~Here are a few of Donna’s Links to check out beyond the one’s highlighted above:
Life On the Off Ramp Poems for a Positive Day
Poems for a Positive Day II

Donna’s Associated Content Profile
My Very Own Fan

You can also click the book image to the right and go straight to Donna’s latest book on Amazon

Posted in Author Friends, books, interviews | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Slipping Into My Creative Writer’s Parallel (and Yours!)

The reason I am starting this particular blog is to acquire an area for some solutions to many issues in the creative writing world, and of course promote my book and others. I’ve been wanting to do this for a period of time now and I’m certainly hoping it comes together as wished, and if not, hopefully we’ll all have fun anyway!!!

Being an artist and a poet is an area I definitely love being involved with and will continue to stay on that path, however I am a writer. I LOVE to write, and I love to read, and I’ve encountered many I’ve become friends with, who are intense, chilling, mystifying, intriguing, and inspiring. I adore them, and they are so incredibly supportive, always. This site yes is based in the hopes of promoting my ongoing self-published, self-edited book: Slipping Back and Forth Between Parallels ~ SHAMELESSLY….no not in the least (well, maybe ) but it IS and WILL BE a  blog site directed at promoting everything when it comes to my favorite writers, my friends, a team of restless workaholics bent in the shape of a creative tree with many branches extending their hands, and let’s just say it’s a great way to reciprocate the kindness. Book links, promotional merchandise, and those happy blog post updates that really could use some attention. Okay for starters you can find my book at Amazon ~ For Paperback and KINDLE in the U.S. and KINDLE in the U.K. or straight through a great publishing site: CreateSpace located here: Slipping Back and Forth Between Parallels and if you’re really interested check out the first chapter for yourself at fReado / BookBuzzr by clicking on the picture below. Also another article I’d like you to check out is here: Where Do Creative Hearts Go? because it sort of explains a bit of my “weaving” effect in all of this, and the part of the reason I’m creating this separate blog. No, I’m not some well-known fantastic writer with bestsellers, who knows maybe I will be someday…I am merely a writer, one who’s life has had some rocks and thorns, but I smile still because I’m discovering faceted gems and flowers in it all. Yes laugh, laugh because it feels good, and laugh because it comforts the soul! I am about truth when it comes to everything, so another area to visit would be my main poetry blog, where I explained more about writing this novel and how I decided to go ahead with it. ~ Beginning At the End <Yes please do start there. Maybe I should have put that at the beginning of this page, however…*sigh the parallels of my blogging world and my odd personality has decided to put it here at the “end.” (yes laugh more, I absolutely love that!)

Slipping Back & Forth Between Parallels
( ISBN: 9781456429256 ) 

Posted in author April Higney, books, CreateSpace, Fiction, Novels, promotions, Slipping Back and Forth Between Parallels, Welcome, writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 11 Comments